I'zhakke Kavi

the hand that breaks the heavens


Name - I'zhakke Kavi
Epithet - Of the Formless Strikes
Race - Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun)
Age - Late Fourties
Height - 5'8"
Nationality - Gyr Abanian
Occupation - Master Monk
Affiliation - Fist of Rhalgr
Sexuality - Pansexual
Relationship - Single
Alignment - Neutral Good


-hair worn in a massive, grey-black braid
-pale yellow eyes; clearly blind
-bedecked in jewelry; gold and amethyst
-muscular and toned, shaped by conflict
-clan marks along limbs, both arms and legs
-often smells of incense and petrichor
-back covered in scars; as if from a barbed whip

force has no place, where there is need of skill

About I'zhakke

Since she was a child, I'zhakke has felt the pulse of levin and the beat of the storm in her soul. The calm, pleasant demeanor she now wears might be considered by some to be a mask for the raging tempest within, always seeking a way out. Perhaps that is why she so eagerly throws herself into conflict; always seeking the next tyrant over the horizon to depose, the next set of shackles to shatter...so long as they are not her own. There will always be another fight, another place to strive to be better than the self that lurks behind her in the past.I'zhakke is collected and level-headed; a solid rock of sense and meditative energy. At the same time, she is the storm personified; a vortex of furor and force barely constrained. Hers is a life of juxtaposition, carefully maintained and balanced between the desire to do harm, and the strength to outlive it.She has roamed the world over; from Dalmasca to Doma, from Werlyt to Bozja - and in each place, she has brought her strength to bear against Imperial smoke and steel. She is a war hero and a terrorist both, depending on whom one asked. The answer might just surprise you.


Much of I'zhakke's life has been spent as a liberator and revolutionary. Freedom fighters from many nations may recognize her; particularly those in Ala Mhigo, Dalmasca, Doma, Bozja, and Werlyt. She stands alongside those of many nations, fighting for their freedoms as much as her own - and continues to do so to this day.
As one might expect, I'zhakke has earned quite the bounty on her head in the Empire. She's a dangerous terrorist and has served time in Imperial prison once before. The fact that she escaped and continues to hound and harry Imperial forces is a thorn in their side that they'd definitely like to see removed...or converted.
I'zhakke was not always a good person. Her years before the Mad King's Purge were spent in paroxysms of violence and fury - both against the Kingsguard and monks of the Light sect. Amongst elders that escaped the Purge, she might be better known by a hidden, secret epithet: the Blackest Hand. Since her return, she is a changed woman...but old wounds do not mend so easily.

the hand is capable of nearly infinite other things than parting men from their ghosts


  • I'zhakke is a character on the Balmung server in FFXIV.

  • My timezone is US Pacific (PST/PDT). Active times trend towards late afternoon-evening on most days, but scheduling things ahead of time is more than welcome.

  • Pre-existing character ties are wonderful and I'd love to set them up with anyone who is interested! I'zhakke has been around for a while and in a lot of places, so she's easily able to have already met characters.

what do you do with a question that has been answered?